Five months after those new faces were printed on the huge billboards 'Trust the Process, Count on our Talents' of Love Pepe homecourt The Stars Stadium, two have already left the team. The 22-year-old Poon Lai Him and the 21 year-old Wu Kok Wai were both considered as future stars in the team. However, they were traded for only a small amount of cash. There are spreading rumors about the team trading another prospect Poon Ming Hip soon. It is no surprise if the team really asks the pot-8 to leave to spare some training spaces.
Recent moves of Love Pepe definitely support these claims. The team acquired two pot-9 players Ching Tsz Muk and Ngan Kee Boem, who are both lockdown defenders and potential all-star players, if their shooting can improve in the near future. It then suits the team's upcoming training regimen of jump shots for guards.
The 24-year-old Ching is known as the younger Cheng Wee Lee, who is an all-rounded player, contributing in both offense and defense on court. Ngan Kee Boem is an elite defender that denies guards from scoring. Together with early joined guard Yan Yifu, own drafted Tsui Chong Kuen and the starting center Yim Sung Sun, the team has found all the missing puzzles on their journey towards D1. These future starting five average 25 years in age, showing sky-high potentials.
Meanwhile, the blueprint seems not including Kam Hin Wah, a good friend of Wu Kok Wai. He showed support to his friend and discontent towards coaches by stating' There's nothing I can do in only 7 appearances last season. Will the 21-year-old also being traded soon after the newly joined first team players have settled down? Or will he become a backup point guard and grow with Tsui as the third generation player? One or two seasons after, we will see.
