The trade at the season start was the most high-valued one in Baby History involving sending away Pier, Juan and Hugo for 373k, 652k and 170k respectively and getting Nikolaos , a Greek small forward for 1.2m. The trade maybe unfavorable to the team which suffered a loss of three pillars at the starting lineup. MarCoN!c insisted the decision to trade three for one was carefully made and is a significant step in the rebuilding process.
He commented the trade, 'though both three performed well last two seasons, aging may be the biggest challenge for them, especially Hugo. To reserve a certain level of competitiveness, we keep VB remained at the team. Besides, we have reached an agreement with Nikolaos that he would retire at Love Baby while lowering his salary to saving cap space and helping the team to win the championship within the seasons (maybe 2-3 before retirement)'. After the trade, the club still leave some cash, looking for a big man who will partner with VB, Lai or Oswin to protect the glass.
